CancerCare North Lancs and South Cumbria


CancerCare North Lancashire and South Cumbria! Since I founded Morecambe Bay Wills, we have supported this amazing charity. That’s because they helped my husband Jim when he was ill, and supported me after he died. I will always be truly grateful for what they did for us both.

In this blog, Anna Webster, the charity’s Legacy & Individual Giving Officer, tells us more about their work. And about how our support helps.

Anna Webster. Legacy & In Memoriam Officer, CancerCare

Who are we?

CancerCare is an independent, local charity in North Lancashire and South Cumbria . It is dedicated to helping adults and children affected or bereaved by cancer, life-shortening illness or sudden and unexpected death.

Being diagnosed with cancer or losing a loved one is a huge life event. The enormity of it can be frightening, isolating and overwhelming. We are here.

More than 90% of our work is funded by wonderful supporters in our community who donate, fundraise or give a gift in their Will.

What do we do?

CancerCare Barrow  CancerCare Safe Space CancerCare Therapy

CancerCare have been supporting local families for over 40 years, and we know that everyone and every situation is unique. We offer support in all sorts of ways, from counselling to therapy, group sessions and activities. Or through just a friendly chat and some moral support. Our staff & therapists also have know-how to help answer any practical questions you may need answers to.

One of the many special things about CancerCare, is that support is available not just for anyone with a diagnosis. It is also for family members, partners and carers. We also offer specialist support for children & young people aged 3-17 who have been affected by a diagnosis in their family or a bereavement of any cause.

All our therapies relieve symptoms, encourage self-confidence, promote relaxation, ease the physical and emotional effects of medical treatment. They also help people cope with issues including poor sleep, pain management, low mood, and isolation.

We help people discover their capacity for life when times are tough. We provide professional help, emotional support and collective strength to face whatever is next.

Last year, CancerCare supported 2,048 adults & children from our centres in Lancaster, Morecambe, Kendal & Barrow. We also supported them in local hospitals and out & about in the local community.

How is Morecambe Bay Wills helping?

CancerCare & Morecambe Bay Wills Morecambe Bay Wills skydive for CancerCare


CancerCare is very proud to have a strong & meaningful partnership with Morecambe Bay Wills & Estates.  Having worked together since the firm’s inception, we know that the team at Morecambe share in our passionate commitment to make things easier for local families during their toughest times. Since 2019, the company have raised an incredible £21,510 for CancerCare!

Over the past 5 years, the support of Morecambe Bay Wills & Estates has meant CancerCare could be there for hundreds of people in our local community. That helps them to cope with the life-changing impact of cancer or bereavement. In fact, the company’s donations have funded over 614 hours of one-to-one therapy support. Support such as hypnotherapy sessions to manage the fear & anxiety that can come with a diagnosis. Or therapeutic massage to ease the side-effects of cancer treatment. Or counselling sessions to help someone through the pain of losing someone they love.

Find out more

You can find out more about CancerCare via their FACEBOOK page, on their WEBSITE or by calling directly on 01524 381820

You can find out about the other charities Morecambe Bay Wills supports on our own website HERE