Jane explains more about wills and new children in a short video

So you have a new child?

If you have recently had a new baby, then you will know that feeling of a need to protect them. In this video blog, Jane talks about what you should be thinking about to protect this most previous of things in your life.

I recently wrote about protecting your child in a Will. You can read more about it HERE …. but some of you may want to see a simple message. So, I have recorded a very short video to explain more about what you may wish to think about.

It’s less than a minute – watch it HERE

What you may need when you have a new child

Firstly, a Will makes sure that your new addition to the family is protected.

You can appoint a legal Guardian. Obviously at this time you may not want to think about what would happen if you weren’t around for your child. But you need to, to make sure that it is you – and not the authorities – who make those decisions!

You may also want to provide guidance about looking after a new child. Imagine that someone has that responsibility – wouldn’t it be so much simpler if you had written down some wishes? We can help you with that – based on d what other parents have written down for their potential guardians.

And what if you are a second marriage / partnership?  You need to think about how a new child fits into provisions already made for your other children. And if you’ve already made a Will, you may wish to update it.

Take time to protect a new child

I know – it’s busy, You’re busy, as are the family. You have a lot going on. And so much to do (including sleep!)

But put aside an hour to chat to us and get these most important of documents put in place. And then you can sit back, relax and enjoy your time with your new addition to the family.

We can answer any initial questions you may have – call us 01524 571032. Or we can send you our “Wills for New Parents” guide HERE

I hope to see you soon!

Jane x

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