How marriage affects a Will

Wills and Marriage

Are you married, or thinking of getting married or forming a Civil Partnership?

In this short blog, Andrea talks about how marriage can affect your Will. And what you can do in advance to make sure you can relax before the big day!

Most people don’t have a Will, around 60% of the population in the UK. Of those that do, a lot of people won’t realise their Will is not valid. Why? Well, if you have married, or have formed a Civil Partnership since making your Will, it is now invalid! Getting married or becoming Civil partners revokes your Will.

So, what should you do? – make a new Will as soon as possible!

Wills and marriage go hand in hand … but act before the event!

We often get contacted for an appointment when people have gone through a life change of some type. that could be moving house, getting married, or having children. When it comes to getting married there is lots to plan. Cchoosing the venue, deciding on the guest list and seating plan, selecting invitations and the perfect menu. In all this excitement, it’s easy to dismiss making a Will until after the big day, and the honeymoon.

Did you know, you can make Wills ‘in anticipation’ of getting married or becoming Civil Partners? So, as soon as you know you are, please contact us and we can include the relevant wording so that your Will isn’t revoked. Without a Will in place, your partner has no legal entitlement to your estate (assets). Even if you have been together for some time, and even if you have children together. The rules of “intestacy” apply and that can be a disaster for some couples. you can read more about it in our Facebook post HERE

Wills and marriage can be made simple!

Should the unthinkable happen before the ceremony takes place, you could be leaving the person you intended to spend the rest of your life with in a financial and legal mess. If you care enough about them to get married, please do the right thing and make sure your affairs in order. You can then enjoy the fun parts of the planning – and your new life together.

It’s fair to say that most people don’t relish the idea of making Wills. But the flip side is that while you know your affairs aren’t in order, thoughts about this will pop into your mind from time to time. Almost everyone we help tells us the process was so much easier than they had ever imagined. And that they have gained peace of mind.

Please contact us today on 01524 571032. Or ask for more information via our website HERE. We have guides especially for Co-habiting Couples and for Newlyweds too!

Let us help you get that peace of mind that everything is in place – and allow you to relax.

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